Money Tree Investing Podcast is a popular show that teaches you the real truth about investing and personal finance. We share Wall Street insider secrets about how you can invest better and understand how the financial industry works. This show teaches you how to think differently about investing, personal finance, inflation, risk management, retirement, alternative investments, portfolio management, self-directed IRAs, college funding & most importantly... your money.
We interview knowledgeable experts in their field and ask the questions you want to know. These experts come from diverse backgrounds so you can get a well-rounded view of different investing strategies and personal finance secrets.
The format is simple, yet effective. We start the show with an interview of an expert. Then we transition to the panel portion of the show where our panel of industry experts discusses the interview and topic from their different unique perspectives and personal experiences. This way you get 4-5 perspectives in one show.
There have been many perspectives and guests on the show over the years. Here is a list of some of the more notable episodes, Rob Arnot, Jeffrey Kleintop, Art Laffer, Burton Malkiel, Suze Orman, Doug Casey, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Steven Bregman, Roger Ibbotson, Daniel Crosby, Warren Buffett, Richard Duncan, Peter Schiff, Tom Sosnoff, Vitaly Katsenelson, Rick Ferri, Michael Sonnenfeldt and more. You never know who will be on the show (it may be you, contact us here), but you'll always be able to learn something about investing in your life.
The show host, Kirk Chisholm, has over 23 years of experience in the wealth management industry. He co-founded Innovative Advisory Group (IAG) to address the need for specialization of certain investing and planning strategies not being addressed by the wealth management industry. IAG specializes in alternative investments held in retirement accounts (i.e. self-directed IRAs/401ks), college funding strategies, risk management, inflation strategies, cryptocurrencies, exit planning for business owners, & advanced financial planning strategies.
Our goal on the show is to make your life better.
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