MTI117: DIY Investing vs the Pros, with Eric and Wendy Nissan


MTI117: DIY Investing vs the Pros, with Eric and Wendy Nissan

Eric and Wendy Nissan know what it’s like to be on both sides of the market: As both professional and as investors. Today they share tools, strategies, and things the pros use that the average investor doesn’t.

We also discuss companies like Lehman Brothers incorrectly rating bonds, and should investors trust the ratings again?

Then we get the panel together, with special guest Roger Whitney, to discuss the things we use and see when it comes to the investing world.

Eric and Wendy have created tools to help individual investors with They describe it as being between your online broker and a professional advisor to help you understand and manage your investments. To find out more, visit

Today’s Panelists

Joe Saul-Sehy |
Miranda Marquit |
Linda P. Jones | Be Wealthy and Smart
Roger Whitney | Retirement Answerman

For a quick bio of each of our show participants,  head on over to our panelist page.

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