MTI021: How to Get Over Your Fear of Investing with Dan Egan of Betterment


MTI021: How to Get Over Your Fear of Investing with Dan Egan of Betterment

A fear of investing is very real in today’s world. Stock market crashes, sensational media stories, and myths about how much money it takes to invest can weigh on your mind, and create uncertainty about investing.

Unfortunately, a fear of investing can have devastating consequences on your long-term wealth prospects. If you want to get over your fear of investing, you need to remember the long-term benefits and consider possibilities.

You might be surprised at the availability of investing tools and resources, and you might be surprised at how easy and inexpensive it is to get started. With the help of Betterment’s Dan Egan, we discuss some of the ways you can get beyond your fear of investing and make the choices that will benefit you in the future.

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