MTI008: Financial Planners and Mortgages for Millennials with Kate Holmes


MTI008: Financial Planners and Mortgages for Millennials with Kate Holmes

This episode covers a wide range of important financial topics. Kate Holmes, the founder of Belmore Financial, comes on to the podcast to share her thoughts about the typical financial adviser and broker. She brings her over 9 years of experience as a certified financial planner to give us a different take, and the insights may surprise you.

We also talk about the various options that Gen X and Gen Y investors don’t even think about, and what Kate feels about working a 9-5 and buying an expensive home by jumping headfirst into a mortgage. In the panel discussion, Miranda has a fierce take about this issue that you don’t want to miss.

The question is also raised, can someone be both an investor and an entrepreneur? This question is answered and more, with some specific investing tools that business owners can utilize.

Panelists In This Episode:

For a quick bio of each of our show participants, head on over to our panelists page.

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