Brian Adams: Real Estate Syndication Trends


Brian Adams: Real Estate Syndication Trends

Want to know where the big money is investing in real estate? This week we interview Brian Adams about how the Ultra High Net worth family offices, institutions and big money is investing in real estate syndications.

We discuss recent real estate syndication trends, some hot locations, demographic shifts, risks to look out for and more.

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Today's Guest:  Brian Adams

Brian C. Adams is the President and Founder of Excelsior Capital, where he spearheads the investor relations and capital markets arms of the firm. He has 10 years of experience in real estate private equity and has advanced knowledge in best practices for strategic real estate investing. Prior to forming Excelsior Capital, Brian co-founded Priam Properties (an institutional real estate private equity sponsor) in 2010 and provided leadership and direction for the firm in connection with capital markets, investment management and investor relations.

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