The 5 F’s of Financial Fraud


The 5 F’s of Financial Fraud

The 5 F's of Finance discusses financial fraud, why it happens, how to protect yourself against it, why smart people are more susceptible to it and more.

The best part about this episode is literally the day we recorded it I got an email that hit all 5 Fs on their first outreach. It was priceless. Most frauds are easy to spot to the trained eye and the diligent investor.

This special episode is the start of a series we are doing on financial fraud.

This is a must listen episode...

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Today's Guest: Stan Haithcock

Stan The Annuity Man is America’s top independent agent & annuity educator.  He is licensed in all 50 states, has published 7 books on the subject, and has written over 400 articles on the controversial annuity topic.  Known as “the walking middle finger of annuity truth”, Stan only focuses on the contractually guaranteed transfer of risk benefits that annuities can provide.  He has offices in Ponte Vedra Beach & Las Vegas, and has over 3 decades of experience in the financial services industry.

Stan's Online Presence:

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